Grade: 12th
What is your favorite thing about DA?
My favorite thing about DA is the variety of activities that I can participate in!
Which class has been your favorite and why?
My favorite class has been Technical Theater because I learned important skills and made several new friends.
How would you describe the classroom environment at DA?
I like that my classes are smaller and not crowded. That makes it possible to have one-on-one time with my teachers if I need it and they are approachable and helpful.
What is your favorite DA tradition?
My favorite tradition is Bear Blessing at the end of the year. Our seniors each partner with a kindergartner and they walk hand-in-hand through the hallways in their caps & gowns. Everybody ends up in the prayer garden and a parent from each of those classes prays a blessing over them. It’s impactful to see the seniors and kindergartners walking together, ready to start a new chapter of their lives.
What activities are you involved in at DA?
Cross Country, Soccer, Track, piano, ballet, and the Speech and Debate Club.
Choose a DA activity or team that you listed above and describe your experience and how it has impacted you.
Running Cross Country has been an amazing experience! I started in 5th grade, and I had a great time with my friends. The Middle School and High School coaches have been so supportive and kind and it has made me a better person!
Davidson Academy is a God-focused school. How does that impact life at DA and what does it mean to you?
The God focus at DA has helped grow my faith and it gives me the courage to reach out for help when I need it.
What would you tell someone who was interested in attending Davidson Academy?
I would tell them how much it has impacted my life – from making strong connections with my teachers to all of the life-long friends I’ve made here.